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Valor, pride, honor and victory, 

Elements inextricably intertwined, 

Components of an indelible history, 

And integral to a hero of his time. 


 To King Phillip and Queen Olympias, he was born in Macedon, 

Aristotle tutored him, and helped make his plan, 

As his father went to war, learn the lyre, did his son, 

With each passing hour, he became, more a man. 


Once his father passed, the crown was in his hands, 

When the time came to strike, chosen was he, 

So begun march to Asia, all among the sands, 

He was invincible, proclaimed the Oracle of Delphi. 


Forever he will be remembered for his bravery, and courage, 

Forever he will march towards an ultimate, final victory, 

Forever shall his eyes gaze upon the darkening of the horizon, 

For in our hearts Alexander the Great shall observe all of history. 


The ruins of the city of Pella, where Alexander the Great lived for the early years of his life.

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