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Open Ended Questions

Q. What are some attributes that contributed to your success? 

A. I have had much help in accomplishing my goal, from my father making Macedon's name in the military world, and amassing its army, to that army's undying loyalty and bravery in the face of any enemy. So now that you as me think about myself I am confounded. My best guess as to the traits which have helped me would be my perseverance, such as my ability to endure siege of Halicarnassus, and my bravery, enabling me to lead my soldiers on the battlefield. 



Q. Have you ever experienced doubt about the nobility of your goal? 


A. I would like to say I have always held a steadfast belief in my goal and my teachings, however, to say this would be a lie. I have always been forced to project an outward appearance of unwavering resolve as a leader, however as a sane human being I must experience inner turmoil. The first example of this for me would have come when a stared into the lifeless eyes of my enemy King Darius the Third of Persia. Eyes which no longer held a fire I had extinguished. I realised when I looked into his eyes that every good man that walks this earth is the same. Each is only trying to help those he loves. I now can only wonder whether he would have felt the same looking into mine.    



Q. What event/events do you think were catalysts in your life? 

A. I have never really thought about my success that way. I suppose I was always sure I would end up where I am now, with my feet on this ground, and in thinking that I would view a catalyst of my life to be something that happened before I was alive, a force beyond my control. However, if forced to choose one event it would have been my victory over the Sacred Band of Thebes 



Q. What are some of the main things that helped you to succeed? 


A. In my life I have accomplished many things, however none of that would have been possible if not for a few things. First, I must accredit much of my accomplishments to my father. He began the journey that I completed. He provided me with the means to achieve greatness, all I needed to do was seize the opportunity. If it hadn't been for his work, I would never have succeeded. I most also contribute much credit to my soldiers. Their undying loyalty provided me with a firm hold. 



Q. When did you formulate your goal? 


A. For as long as I remember I have always strived to grow my kingdoms wealth. I suppose I have been deeply influenced by my father, but I also suspect I would have attempted to help my nation no matter what position I was in. So, to answer the question I truly formulated my goal from the moment I set eyes upon my people.     

“Upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.” - Alexander the Great

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