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“Through every generation of the human race there has been a constant war, a war with fear. Those who have the courage to conquer it are made free and those who are conquered by it are made to suffer until they have the courage to defeat it, or death takes them. - Alexander the Great

Dear Teachers of Year 6, 


Thousands of years ago there was boy in the city of Pella. His father was King Phillip the second and when his turn to take throne at the age twenty came he had dreams of glory for his nation, dreams which never left his side until the point where he had conquered almost all of the known world. At the age of thirty Alexander the Great already controlled one of the biggest empires in history. Alexander the Great was the ruler of the Greek kingdom of Macedonia from 356 to 323 BC and led them to a time of dominance which lasted throughout his lifetime. He is undisputedly one of the greatest leaders of all time and the modern world is strewn with evidence of his reign. Alexander the Great controlled the world of his time and is undoubtedly notable, because he managed to reshape our lives by spreading western culture. 


He began his journey as a boy in Pella, already proving his exceptional worth by taming the great horse Bucephalus when no one else could, a horse he would later ride in battle. Here his undisputed notability began, and it only grew as he defeated the Sacred Band of Thebes, a group previously thought invincible, without a second thought. And while he conquered enemy after enemy, and overran stronghold after stronghold, he re-wrote Greece's legacy. It was not only his military advancements, of which there were many, but his philosophical ones which, while lesser known, truly mark him as one to be remembered, as he overturned the teachings of his tutor, Aristotle. When he defeated Persia's armies, instead of selling its citizens to slavery as his teacher's precept dictated, he made peace, and became an ambassador.  


The legacy Alexander left will never be forgotten, as he led his men in battle against the most fearsome enemies and never showed fear. His empire was, and still is, unlike any other. He had fought his way to the highest status, the paragon of what he could have been. He truly worked to ensure he reached his full potential, and the potential he harbored was great. Great enough to conquer the world. People who walk on the earth today can only marvel at Alexander the Great, and how he truly changed the world as  no one else has. And although the cities he built, and the empire he created are all but dust today, Alexander the Great is not dead, his impact in philisophocal and cultural areas affect you deeply today. Alexander the great will never die. I now ask you, is that not what it truly means to be notable? 


Today we look around and we see a world unlike any other there has been. A world that has evolved and changed for the extent of history and will continue to do so forever. A world that will forever remember a Greek warrior, a hero.  A world that has been indelibly marked by a man named Alexander the Great. To make a mark that cannot be removed, to prove yourself a hero, to change the course of history. That is to be notable. 


Yours Sincerely, 


Angus Hutton. 


Alexander the Great in battle.

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