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Diary Entries

Entry 1 


I have done it! I have trained the great horse Bucephalus and succeeded were some many others have not, and I am only thirteen. I have been watching the beast for the past weeks as my father's incompetent handlers attempted to tame him, but a beast of such beauty and strength cannot be tamed by a rider such as them. When I heard my father was planning to sell the wonderful animal I told him what I believed and suggested I attempt to train him, in fact I wagered the price of the horse! He agreed, however, I could tell he intended this to teach me a lesson. So I entered the paddock and couldn’t help but marvel at the grandeur of the beast as I walked up to him. Slowly, I began to calm him down, until eventually I managed to mount him. A crowd had gathered by now and each person held their breath as I sat astride the great animal. He stayed still. And so from there I urged him on and eased him into a gallop. The crowd roared at my success. I had trained a horse thought untrainable. I had bested the great horse Bucephalus. 



Entry 2  


Halicarnassus has fallen! The great city has fallen and onward we shall march with joy in our hearts, safe in the knowledge that together we are indomitable, our armies infallible. However, today is a day that was inevitable. A day that has been forever slowly advancing upon the defenders of Halicarnassus, inescapable. I must though, commend my enemies valor. They protected their home to the very last even though the outcome was unchangeable. Allowing their comrades to amass a defense, albeit one that shall be rendered useless in the face of my armies. And now we must look forward, we must prepare for what the future holds in store for us in Egypt. And so I now say this. Our enemies will fall and what is theirs shall be ours for I am Alexander the Great, son of Zeus. 



Entry 3 


Today is a strange, today is a day for which I have been waiting for many years. And yet it has arrived, and I look into the lifeless eyes of he who I fought so hard to destroy, and I feel sorrow. I feel sorrow for the great man who has died at my hands. I have ordered for him a royal burial, and all I can do now is hope for his forgiveness, and pray the gods excuse me for my great failure. However I must not let that prevent me from doing my duty. And today is a joyful day, although not for me. I must help my people to rejoice and I must continue to expand their dominance. I wish for many things. Forgiveness, victory, health. But now I must wish for only one. The prosperity of my people.  


King Darius the Third lying dead.

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